Is It Better To Invest Alone or as a Couple?
Money and Finance

Is It Better To Invest Alone or as a Couple?

It got me thinking for quite some time, if you are a budding investor but your significant other isn't interested or knowledgeable about it, what should you do?

Maybe your boyfriend is not aware that you have an existing portfolio. Or your wife is focused on her day-to-day life and not willing to take the risks.

Or let us even assume that both you and your partner have seen the benefits and risks of being invested and chosen to invest together.

What then? Should you invest together? Or have your own separate portfolios?

Let us first talk about the various benefits of investing as a couple.

1. Having more capital / dividends

This is the first benefit. When you invest together as a couple, you are able to invest in more shares from the beginning as your purchasing power is doubled. For example maybe you have $2,000 and your partner has $2,000. I'm sure you'll agree that $4,000 can buy more than what $2,000 can. Therefore a higher amount of shares owned will result in a increased amount of dividends as well.

2. Incurring less Commissions/Expenses

Depending on your broker, buying from one account would result in lower expenses overall compared to two separate accounts.

3. Closer Relationship (?)

Notice the (?). This depends on your relationship status. For example, it could work out if both of you have the same strategy, mindset and goals. In this case, it would potentially bring you closer as you plan strategies together. It may give off the impression and satisfaction that you're working as a "team".

There are some of the various benefits that I can think off. But unfortunately, I can think of more negative consequences when deciding to invest together as a couple.


Maybe you're more aggressive, willing to take higher risks for higher returns. But your partner is more conservative. Therefore this may result in conflict along the way.

 Or maybe you're happy with your portfolio. Even in bear markets you're okay with seeing your investments decrease in value knowing you're in this for the long term. But your partner freaks and wants to sell off everything to minimise losses. Conflict.

Investing styles are mostly dependent on your personality as a whole. Therefore expecting your partner to adapt to your style may not be the best way. Nor should your partner expect you to comply with his/her styles no matter what. Conflict.

You're a person focused with saving and investing. She's more obsessed with buying the latest handbag. Arguments about how much each person should contribute to your investment fund may result in negative consequences. Or you're a person that believes in saving regularly. Your husband prefers to spend his cash on booze and socialising. Again, conflict.

Notice that most of these problems stems from incompatibility as a couple. Your thinking may be different from one another and this would not help. A couple should understand each other's fears and work towards a common goal. Taking the lead is not wrong, completely deciding the direction of the portfolio and investments is not wrong either.

I guess what I'm trying to say there's no right or wrong answer here. It all lies in your common understanding as a couple.

It's all about whether they have agreed on a common goal and both are equally aware of what direction they are heading towards to.

So would it better to invest alone or as a couple? The answer is up to you to decide. Only you and your partner will know what's best for the both of you.

Signing off,
Teenage Investor

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