I came across your blog after googling about investing in blue chips and I've gotta say, it has helped me begin to save up/invest or at the least, be motivated to.
I had one of 'those days' last week or so and just began to think about life and my future, and how I'd want to live it.
Hence the sudden realization that something has to be done. I'm currently serving NS right now (enlisted back in June) and I just wanted your advice on some things. Given that my monthly pay is around ~600. I've decided to allocate 100 to my emergency fund, 100 to investments and another 100 to my insurances, with the remainder for expenditure.
As for the investments, am I right to say that it's more feasible for me to go for POSB's Invest Saver as it has a lower fee compared to OCBC's BCIP? I'm leaning closer towards POSB at the moment but something else pops to mind.
I understand that these 2 options are non-diy and for someone like me who only has his precious weekends to look forward to, it's a godsend. However, is it truly a better option? POSB doesn't allow transfers to our cdp account (not that I have one.. yet) but OCBC does. Is this significant for someone in my position? And how about the diy method? Opening an account through scb and buying stocks through there seems like an idea though I have no clue how to do that.
Let me just put across that I have no experience whatsoever in investments but I am willing to learn and make changes to my life haha.
Need your 2cents!
Hope you can help, thanks!
I will attempt with my limited knowledge to answer your questions to the best of my ability. I have posted this online, so that other senior bloggers can help in answering any questions with their experience.
I'm happy that my blog has motivated you in some ways to begin saving and investing your money for the future, especially with the increasing political uncertainty in Singapore and our "Under-Happy" population.
Everyone has their 'one of those days' when they are struct by a certain awakening and realisation of the uncertainty of his/her future and begins to find ways to begin planning.
Since I have not yet enlisted, I do not yet possess the knowledge of insurance that are obtainable in the army. $100 each to your Emergency Fund and Investment Fund sounds good. That leaves you with approximately $300 or so to fund your other expenses. Might I suggest, that you also put aside some money for your Savings? Emergency Funds and Savings should be kept in separate savings account.
For example, I use Maybank for my Emergency Savings, OCBC for my Savings, StanChart for my investments and POSB as my main expenses account.
Personally, I feel that POSB Invest Saver is decent, with a lower fee that OCBC BCIP. It's ideal if you are only planning to invest small sum of money each month. OCBC BCIP may be ideal for higher monthly sums.
Not allowing you to transfer to CDP account isn't really a big deal for me as Custodian accounts work fine. When you're older, you can always use CDP to store shares that you can purchase with CPF money.
CDP Account is very easy to open. I myself have opened an account but I currently don't use it. Buona Vista :)
Signing off,
Teenage Investor