Thomas W. Phelps quote
Money and Finance

Thomas W. Phelps quote

“….when any rule or formula becomes a substitute for thought rather than an aid to thinking, it is dangerous and should be discarded.”

-Thomas William Phelps, 100 to 1 in the stock market

- Links
Greek stocks close with record drop of 16.23% (LINK) Greece's stock exchange closed Monday with a record drop of 16.23 percent on reopening after a five-week shutdown caused by capital controls.... The banking index on Monday lost nearly 30 percent,...

- The Art Of Selling Stocks - By Chris Mayer
The bottom line: There is no magic way to sell to ensure maximum gains every time out. I think anytime you sell, you could cost yourself money if that stock turns out to be a big winner. I understand that risk. On the other hand, as Third Avenue shows,...

- Phelps And Jobs On The Customer
“The point to keep in mind is that how much it costs to produce anything means little or nothing unless you know what people will pay for it now and in the future. In business, it is bad luck to tell people what they should want instead of trying to...

- Thomas W. Phelps On Charts
“Even if one scoffs at charts himself, the fact that they are being so widely used by performance funds and even by banks argues for paying some attention to them. At times they provide the only clue to the stock market’s aberrations. Chart-induced...

- Thomas W. Phelps On Trends
“Since for all men the visibility of the future is zero beyond this instant, assumptions as to how long observed trends will continue must be based on probabilities which in turn have been derived from the past and hence may not apply to the future....

Money and Finance
