Money and Finance
The first principle of salesmanship...
From Harvey Firestone in
Men and Rubber: The Story of Business:
Thereby, quite unconsciously, I turned up the first principle of salesmanship--which is, that you must thoroughly believe in what you have to sell. Then selling becomes merely a matter of showing how your product will help a prospect. I have always been more of a salesman than a manufacturer--it has been hard for me to learn factory methods. But selling has always come easy to me, simply because, since those patent medicines, I have never attempted to sell anything which I did not thoroughly believe in. Therefore, I have never really had to sell at all--only to explain the favour I expected to do the prospect. The principle holds true, whether one is selling a tangible thing, like a rubber tire, or whether one is selling something intangible, like the future of the company, either in the shape of capital stock or in the shape of credit at a bank. Persuading a man to buy is not, to my notion, salesmanship. It is just persuading him to buy and nothing more.
Salesmanship has to establish a continuing relation in which the seller helps the buyer. Going to great lengths to sell a man something he does not want is a clumsy way of trying to get money--it is much simpler and just as honest to knock the fellow on the head and take the money away from him.
Some Thoughts From Phil Fisher On Selling A Great (and Growing) Business...
From Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits:A word of caution may not be amiss, however, in regard to too readily selling a common stock in the hope of switching these funds into a still better one. There is always the risk that some major element in...
Harvey Firestone Quote
"The test of a business man is not whether he can make money in one or two boom years, or can make money through the luck of getting into the field first, but whether in a highly competitive field, without having any initial advantage over his competitors,...
Lots Of Options
No this post isn't about all the great investment opportunities that Mr. Market is giving us, it's about all of my recent option trading/selling activity. There's been a lot more activity on this front than I expected to be reporting. My...
Put Options Explained
A lot of people hear the word options with respect to stocks and think it's a high risk venture. While options are for everyone I feel they definitely have a place in a portfolio. I prefer selling put options to call options which I will explain why...
My Weekly Stock List (6/28/)
My Weekly Stock list for upcoming week: VTR - real estate investment trust in healthcare industry 4.8% $62.79 WYNN - casino industry 1.9% $96.50 PPL - utility, electricity and natural gas 4.9% $29.75 ETR - electric distribution 4.6% $70.51 SE...
Money and Finance