Money and Finance
Harvey Firestone quote
"The test of a business man is not whether he can make money in one or two boom years, or can make money through the luck of getting into the field first, but whether in a highly competitive field, without having any initial advantage over his competitors, he can outdistance them in a perfectly honourable way and keep the respect of himself and of his community." –Harvey Firestone, Men and Rubber: The Story of Business
Charlie Munger on competitive destruction
Harvey Firestone on surplus
The First Principle Of Salesmanship...
From Harvey Firestone in Men and Rubber: The Story of Business: Thereby, quite unconsciously, I turned up the first principle of salesmanship--which is, that you must thoroughly believe in what you have to sell. Then selling becomes merely a matter...
I've previously asked for (good) business biography recommendations, and I appreciate all who have sent titles along (the list so far is HERE). On a related note, I came across the following site which has a bunch more listed: Business History - Business...
Thought, Not Money, Is The Real Business Capital...
From Harvey Firestone in Men and Rubber: The Story of Business: Business is founded on thought. Optimism and enthusiasm are valuable in keeping up the morale of an organization--they are lubricants which help to overcome friction--but they cannot be the...
Charlie Munger Quote
“The number one idea is to view a stock as an ownership of the business and to judge the staying quality of the business in terms of its competitive advantage. Look for more value in terms of discounted future cash-flow than you are paying for. Move...
Competitive Advantages
These quotes are from the book The Investment Checklist by Michael Shearn. "Competitive advantages are less sustainable when they are affected by changes in technology or if they are in rapidly emerging industries. Changes in technology threaten...
Money and Finance