Quote on investing in people
Money and Finance

Quote on investing in people

“I never invest in businesses I don't know anything about, but I will invest in a person. If I know their character, their history, how they operate, what kind of judgment they have, what kinds of risks are acceptable to them, how they execute, and things like that, and I know them well, I will invest. But I don't buy businesses I don't know anything about.” –from the book Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality (as posted in the first Amazon review of the book)

- Michael Shearn On Filtering Investment Ideas
I think having the right filters is one of the most important things in the investment process, which is also something I tried to express is THIS post as well. "When filtering through the many investment opportunities the stock market is offering at...

- Ray Dalio On Character And Success
From Ray Dalio’s “Principles” (p.21): In summary, I believe that you can probably get what you want out of life if you can suspend your ego and take a no-excuses approach to achieving your goals with open-mindedness, determination, and courage,...

- Wired Interview With Barry Schwartz
LONG BEACH, California -- Psychologist Barry Schwartz delivers the final presentation of TED 2009 on Saturday. Wired.com spoke to Schwartz about practical wisdom, moral skill without moral will, and the roles of hope and virtue. Wired: You call practical...

- Sonho Grande (dream Big)
Two years back, Buffett recommended the book "Dream Big", the story of 3G Capital, which I finally got around to reading. When Buffett recommended it he was referring to 3G's involvement in the Heinz deal and how much he liked doing business over...

- Use An Investing Strategy That Any Idiot Can Use
Great recommendation from Harold Pollack that your investing goals should fit on a standard 4x6 index card. Simplicity has a quality all its own. One of my investing mantras is based on an old Peter Lynch quote, invest in businesses that any idiot can...

Money and Finance
