Money and Finance
A couple of interesting tables on housing affordability...
From the 2012 Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey:
Wired talks to Bill Gates about his letter, and other things (LINK) [Gates had extremely high praise for the book On Immunity: An Inoculation.] Bill Gates on Bloomberg TV (video) (LINK) Lagarde, Cohn, Summers, Botin, Dalio on Bloomberg Panel (video)...
Mark Hanson: Housing “bubble 2.0″; Same As “bubble 1.0″, Only Different Actors
In this short note, I outline where my research is going at the first of the year supporting ideas about why a “strong economy” is negative for this housing market; houses are far “more expensive” today then from...
Mark Hanson's Latest On Housing...
In summary, the past two-years of massive Fed, Gov’t, and bank intrusion into the housing market went way too far. Houses are mis-allocated, there is no shortage of houses “in which to live”, and in ALL the popular “mega-recovery” regions...
2013 Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey
Thanks to Phil for passing this along. Link to: 9th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey: 2013 (Australia, Canada, China (Hong Kong), Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States)
Robert Shiller: A Housing Bottom? What Are They Thinking?
BLODGET: A lot of people have just called the bottom in the housing market in the United States, and there's been some okay data recently. Is that your take? That finally housing prices are bottoming? SHILLER: When people phrase is that way, they...
Money and Finance