Money and Finance
2013 Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey
Thanks to Phil for passing this along.
Link to: 9th Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey: 2013 (Australia, Canada, China (Hong Kong), Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States)
Wired talks to Bill Gates about his letter, and other things (LINK) [Gates had extremely high praise for the book On Immunity: An Inoculation.] Bill Gates on Bloomberg TV (video) (LINK) Lagarde, Cohn, Summers, Botin, Dalio on Bloomberg Panel (video)...
Mark Hanson: Housing “bubble 2.0″; Same As “bubble 1.0″, Only Different Actors
In this short note, I outline where my research is going at the first of the year supporting ideas about why a “strong economy” is negative for this housing market; houses are far “more expensive” today then from...
Contracts For Difference (cfds)
I had never heard of these before until yesterday, but it seems they are essentially a way for smaller investors to make extremely leveraged bets by putting up very little margin (hence the bucket shop reference). In finance, a contract for difference...
A Couple Of Interesting Tables On Housing Affordability...
From the 2012 Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey:
Book Survey
My friend Barry is doing a book survey. Here are Barry’s words on how it works: In the last couple of years I have compiled a yearly list of book recommendations from a group of colleagues, family and friends. This year I have expanded the list of participants...
Money and Finance