Tim Harford on EconTalk
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Tim Harford on EconTalk

Tim Harford, author and journalist, talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about Adapt, Harford's book on the virtues of failure and the trial and error process. Harford argues that success is more likely when there is experimentation and trial and error followed by adapting, rather than following a top-down, ex ante plan driven by expertise. The conversation looks at what war can teach us about information, knowledge, and planning, the challenge of admitting mistakes, and the implications of trial and error for our daily lives.


Related book: Adapt

- Nassim Taleb Quote
“Trial and error has one overriding value people fail to understand: it is not really random, rather, thanks to optionality, it requires some rationality. One needs to be intelligent in recognizing the favorable outcome and knowing what to discard....

- Nassim Taleb Quote
“…the random element in trial and error is not quite random, if it is carried out rationally, using error as a source of information. If every trial provides you with information about what does not work, you start zooming in on a solution—so every...

- Tim Harford's Favorite Quotes About Failure
Link ………………..Book: AdaptRelated previous posts:Tim Harford on learning from failureIn praise of pragmatism - By Tim HarfordTim Harford on EconTalk ...

- Notes From Tim Harford's Book "adapt"
Via Farnam Street: Biologists have a word for the way in which solutions emerge from failure: evolution. ... Disconcertingly, given our instinctive belief that complex problems require expertly designed solutions, it is completely unplanned. Astounding...

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Kevin Kelly, author of What Technology Wants, talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about technology and the ideas in the book. Kelly argues that technology is best understood as an emergent system subject to the natural forces underpinning all emergent...

Money and Finance
