Money and Finance
Prem Watsa's 2013 Shareholder Letter - Fairfax Financial
Link to: Prem Watsa's 2013 Shareholder Letter
Signs of speculative excesses are everywhere – even though the U.S. economy is still very tepid. The world might muddle through as it did in 2013, but the grand disconnect between stocks and bonds, and the real economy, continues. You will remember, we consider the 2008 – 2009 contraction to be a one in 50 or a one in 100 year event – similar to the 1930s in the U.S. and Japan since 1990. Because of massive fiscal and monetary stimulus in the U.S., the economic consequences have yet to play out. We continue to worry about the unintended consequences, and continue to hedge our common stock portfolio for the reasons discussed in our last few Annual Reports. Just to highlight a few of them:
1. The U.S. total debt/GDP ratio is at a very high level and significant deleveraging is yet to come. This applies to Europe and the U.K. also.
2. Economic growth in the Western world is still very weak in spite of huge monetary and fiscal stimulus by the Fed and the ECB. In nominal and real terms, annually since 2009 the U.S. only grew by 3.9% and 2.3% respectively (while Europe grew by 1.6% and 0.5% respectively). In spite of this anemic growth, after-tax profit as a percentage of GDP in the U.S. is at the highest level of the last 60 years.
3. Inflation in the U.S. and Europe, after five years of huge fiscal stimulus, is still in the 1% area – and falling. We remind you that it took five years after the stock market crash in 1990 before Japan saw deflation – and this deflation continued for most of the following 19 years.
4. QE1, QE2 and QE3 have helped the financial markets but have not worked in the real economy. What happens when everyone realizes that the Fed and the ECB have no more bullets?!
5. There is a monstrous real estate and construction bubble in China, which could burst anytime. It almost did in 2011 but China increased its credit growth significantly since then.
6. Reaching for yield continues everywhere, with junk debt at record low yields, emerging market debt in U.S. dollars at very low yields and corporate bonds at very low spreads. Many emerging market countries also have significant external debt in foreign currencies. All vulnerable to a ‘‘risk off’’ run on the bank!
In the last few years we have discussed the huge real estate bubble in China. In case you continue to be a skeptic, here are a few observations from Anne Stevenson Yang, an American who has been in China for over 20 years and is the founder of JCapital Research in Beijing:
1. China added 5.9 billion square metres of commercial buildings between 2008 and 2012 – the equivalent of more than 50 Manhattans – in just five years!
2. In 2012, China completed about 2 billion square metres of residential floor space – approximately 20 million units. For perspective, the U.S. at its peak built 2 million homes in a year.
3. At the end of 2013, China had about 6.6 billion square metres of new residential space under construction, around 60 million units.
4. Yinchuan, a city of 1.2 million people including the suburbs, has 30 million square metres of available apartments – roughly 300,000 units that could house 900,000 people. This is in addition to the delivered but unoccupied units. The city of Guiyang, capital of Guizhou Province, has roughly 5.5 million extra units for a city of 5 million.
5. In almost every city Anne has visited, pretty much the whole existing housing stock has been replicated and is empty.
6. Home ownership rates in China are estimated to be over 100% versus 65% in the U.S. Many cities report ownership over 200%. Tangshan, near Beijing, is one.
7. This real estate boom could only be financed through unrestrained credit growth. Since 2009, the Chinese banks have grown by the equivalent of the entire U.S. banking system or 15% of world GDP.
8. The real estate bubble has resulted in companies extensively borrowing and investing in real estate or lending on real estate in the shadow banking system. This is exactly what happened in Japan in the late 1980s.
9. And one observation of our own: Since 2009, the easing by the Federal Reserve combined with the explosive growth in China, backed by higher interest rates, has resulted in huge inflows (‘‘hot money’’) into China. The near unanimous view that the renminbi would strengthen has resulted in a massive carry trade where speculators have borrowed at low rates across the world and invested in China, almost always backed by real estate. The shadow banking system in China – i.e., assets not on the books of the major Chinese banks – is estimated by Bank of America Merrill Lynch to be approximately $4.7 trillion or 51% of Chinese GDP. Oddly enough, prior to the credit crisis, the U.S. had $4.5 trillion in asset-backed securities outstanding or approximately 31% of U.S. GDP. You know what happened then. When the flows reverse in China, watch out!
These observations remind me again of the following quote from Michael Lewis’ essay in Vanity Fair, ‘‘When Irish Eyes are Crying’’, which I wrote to you about in our 2010 Annual Report: ‘‘Real estate bubbles never end with soft landings. A bubble is inflated by nothing firmer than expectations. The moment people cease to believe that house prices will rise forever, they will notice what a terrible long term investment real estate has become and flee the market, and the market will crash.’’ Amen!
As they say, it is better to be wrong, wrong, wrong and then right than the other way around!
For those of you who believe a picture is worth a thousand words, please watch the recent BBC documentary ‘‘How China Fooled the World’’.
Finally, in our 2007 Annual Report, we quoted Hyman Minsky, the father of the Financial Instability Hypothesis, who said that history shows that ‘‘stability causes instability’’. Prolonged periods of prosperity lead to leveraged financial structures that cause instability. This quote was in relation to the U.S. in 2007. It applies in spades to China in 2013!
Any credit event in China will have very significant ramifications for the world economy, as China is the world’s second largest economy and consumes 40% to 50% of most commodities from iron ore to copper.
Related documentary: How China Fooled The World
[H/T Corner of Berkshire & Fairfax]
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Money and Finance