Niall Ferguson on WealthTrack
Money and Finance

Niall Ferguson on WealthTrack

Book: The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World

- The West And The Rest: The Changing Global Balance Of Power In Historical Perspective
Niall Ferguson discusses the rise of China and the challenge this poses for the United States in terms not only of economics, but also of geopolitics and 'soft power'. Link ................... Related book: Civilization: The West and the Rest...

- John Mauldin's Outside The Box: Western Civilisation: Decline – Or Fall?
I had my nose in Niall Ferguson's newest book, Civilization: The West and the Rest, at every possible moment during my recent trip to Hong Kong and Singapore. It's powerful and very, very timely, and I strongly recommend it. To help get the word...

- Harvard's Ferguson On Europe Sovereign-debt Crisis (video)
Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Niall Ferguson, a history professor at Harvard University and a Bloomberg Television contributing editor, talks about Europe's sovereign-debt crisis. He speaks with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television's "Surveillance Midday."...

- Niall Ferguson On Charlie Rose
I found the Charlie Rose interview with Niall Ferguson pretty interesting (VIDEO 11/3/2009). In it, Ferguson says that he thinks Mr. Buffett is making a mistake buying Burlington Northern. The statement "This is a moment in history when the things that...

- Niall Ferguson And Kenneth Rogoff On Bloomberg Radio
Link to: Niall Ferguson and Kenneth Rogoff on Bloomberg Radio ……………….. Related books: The Ascent of Money This Time is Different ...

Money and Finance
