Money and Finance
My New Book: Keeping Your Dividend Edge
Hi everyone,

I'm happy to announce the publication of my first book:
Keeping Your Dividend Edge: Strategies for Growing & Protecting Your Dividends, now available on Amazon in paperback and in the Kindle eBook format.
(The two versions are currently listed separately - I'm told they will be on the same page in the next day or so.)
Writing a book on dividend investing has been on my mind for several years. This autumn, I finally put pen to paper to address the changing dividend landscape that I've observed -- e.g. the impact of share repurchases, lingering impacts from the financial crisis, increasing global competition, etc. -- and how individual investors might chart a course for long-term success despite these new challenges.
I also wanted the book to be punchy and practical -- something you can read in one sitting with lessons you can immediately apply to your investment process.
The main chapters address the following topics:
Chapter 1: Why Dividend Investing (Still) Works
The Ultimate Goal Of Dividend Investing
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Money and Finance