Money and Finance
Income Update - October 2012
October's spending was right in line with August and September which is good because it hasn't increased but it's still higher that where I would like for it to be. I was hoping to be able to get my spending down to the $1,300 mark but I just don't see that happening. I know if I can cut back on my restaurant spending that I'll be able to make some pretty big strides in the reduction because for the most part my restaurant and grocery spending is the largest portion of my spending that I realistically have room to cut from. My minimum expenses for October ended the month at $1,440.69 which brought my average for 2012 down to $1,519.96. My average total monthly expenses for October ended up right in line with September at $1,578.41. This brought my average monthly total expenditures for 2012 down to $1,691.36. My PRI for October was a pretty disappointing $25.47 which covered only 1.77% of my minimum expenses. This wasn't a total surprise because I knew that October would be a very light month for dividends. However, my FI made yet another move higher totaling $185.98 for the month based on the yield on the 30 year US treasury bond of 2.88%. This covers 12.91% of my minimum expenses for the month. October was a great month from income bringing in my second highest monthly total for the year.

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Income Update - August 2012
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Money and Finance