Weekly Roundup - January 18, 2014
Money and Finance

Weekly Roundup - January 18, 2014

It was yet another busy week for myself.  I had to head back to work and away from home Monday afternoon.  And of course that meant lots of work right away and then drill then a break and then lots of work again.  But this just continues to reinforce how badly I want to reach FI as soon as possible, yesterday preferably, today would be nice, but tomorrow would be fine too.  Eventually that day will come when my passive income sources exceed my expenses with an adequate margin of safety, but until then I'll just keep chugging along and investing capital into companies that continue to pay higher dividends year in and year out.  Due to work being so busy there wasn't much in the form of blogposts this past week but things are settled down and I should get back to my regular posting schedule soon.  I did finally get to review how I did on my goals for 2013 and it was a big win in a lot of areas but there were some big misses as well.  I'm not discouraged though and this just helps to fuel my desire to do better in 2014.

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- Weekly Roundup - July 26, 2014
Another week of being home for a while and then heading back to work.  Although I think I'm glad to be back at work so I can finally get some rest.  My wife and I were busy just about the whole time that I was home.  Saturday was spent painting,...

- Weekly Roundup - March 8, 2014
What a busy last week.  Finished one job, had an awesome time at home with my wife, friends, and family, but all good things must come to an end and it was time to head back to work.  A bummer, I know, but the wonderful thing is that while I was off...

- Recent Buys: Part 2
I mentioned in my weekly roundup yesterday that I had 2 more purchases during the week.  I've been really busy with work and getting other things done with the blog so I wasn't able to get this post up earlier; however, I do try and tweet about...

- Weekly Roundup - December 7, 2013
This has been a very busy week on the investment front.  Much busier than I expected to be.  I made 3 purchases this week, one in Pepsi that went through on Monday and another 2 later in the week.  I'll have the write-up about the other 2 purchases...

- Weekly Roundup - September 21, 2013
This past week has been an absolute whirlwind.  My wife and I continued to move things over to the new house and then of course it was time for me to head back to work on Tuesday.  I really dislike when I first get back because we drill for a day and...

Money and Finance
