Money and Finance
The "dividend tax" cliff approaches: Implications for stocks – By Aswath Damodaran
A great deal has been written about the "fiscal cliff" that US taxpayers, investors and companies are faced with at the end of this year. Put simply, all of the tax changes made in 2002 and 2003 expire at that time, and the tax code will, in large part, revert to what it was prior to those changes. I will leave it to others to debate the macro economic implications of going over the cliff but I want to focus on one "segment" of the code that has implications to valuation.
Hussman Weekly Market Comment: Brief Holiday Update
With Monday as the last opportunity for Congress to avoid some version of the “fiscal cliff,” there isn’t a great deal to say that will be relevant for long, but my impression remains that the most likely outcome is that fiscal policy will go over...
Buffett Not Worried About Fiscal Cliff
Thanks to Will for passing this along. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Warren Buffett is not worried about the fiscal cliff. While it's not ideal, the founder of Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA, Fortune 500) thinks that President Obama must be willing to keep...
John Mauldin: The Center Cannot Hold
This coming week we shall likely see Congress pass an extension of the “temporary” payroll tax cut, first enacted as a stimulus to the economy in January of 2011. As I write, the extension is just for two months. We’ll leave aside the politics and...
Weekly Roundup - December 15, 2012
It's been a while since I've gotten a weekly roundup out but I finally got some time to be able to roundup the links. What I'll be Buying if the Fiscal Cliff Causes Recession - Dividend Growth Stock Investing posted his watchlist. That's...
Walmart Moves Dividend Forward
Walmart (WMT) moved their next dividend payment forward from early January 2013 to December 27, 2012. They did this to be help shareholders receive the payments before potential tax increases due to the fiscal cliff. There's too many tax...
Money and Finance