Sell or not to Sell?
Money and Finance

Sell or not to Sell?

Okay, we all have stocks which are not doing well and stocks which are doing very well.

As I wrote before, for me it's always very hard to pull this trigger and sell my winner...

I know that lots of dividend stock investors think that we need to buy and keep stocks forever.

But observing my dividends stocks coming through ups and downs I still feel like I do need to sell my winners.

Like for example. I remember how just not long time ago my shares of KMI were $600 up and running strong. I was thinking to sell but got greedy.

Another recent example is FTR -  went down to $3 in 2014, then up to $8 in 2015 and then down to $3 and now it's up to $5 again.

I did sold some of my stocks but usually right after I sell they would go up and then I would feel like oh, yeah, I could just keep them.

So my boyfriend suggested me an interesting idea - to sell only part of my stock total, which equal to the gain and keep initial amount I invested. This way if stock would go down, I already got some earnings out, if stock would go up, I would not feel as bad as if I sold all of shares. 

I really like this idea and I might try to use it.

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Money and Finance
