Money and Finance
Sell or not to Sell?
Okay, we all have stocks which are not doing well and stocks which are doing very well.
As I wrote before, for me it's always very hard to pull this trigger and sell my winner...
I know that lots of dividend stock investors think that we need to buy and keep stocks forever.
But observing my dividends stocks coming through ups and downs I still feel like I do need to sell my winners.
Like for example. I remember how just not long time ago my shares of KMI were $600 up and running strong. I was thinking to sell but got greedy.
Another recent example is FTR - went down to $3 in 2014, then up to $8 in 2015 and then down to $3 and now it's up to $5 again.
I did sold some of my stocks but usually right after I sell they would go up and then I would feel like oh, yeah, I could just keep them.
So my boyfriend suggested me an interesting idea - to sell only part of my stock total, which equal to the gain and keep initial amount I invested. This way if stock would go down, I already got some earnings out, if stock would go up, I would not feel as bad as if I sold all of shares.
I really like this idea and I might try to use it.
My Weekly Stock List (6/28/)
My Weekly Stock list for upcoming week: VTR - real estate investment trust in healthcare industry 4.8% $62.79 WYNN - casino industry 1.9% $96.50 PPL - utility, electricity and natural gas 4.9% $29.75 ETR - electric distribution 4.6% $70.51 SE...
My Weekly Stock List (9/6)
This week I bought shares of RIG and ESV. It looks like many of offshore drilling companies are trading at their lowest this week. Here is my list for upcoming week. I added some extra columns Stock Name, descriptionprice as 9/6Yield52 wks...
Will This Way Speed Up Your Earnings?
I keep lots of my stocks in IRA, IRA Roth and SEP accounts. After observing stock market for a while, I have this idea of speeding up my earnings. Usually I try to spend at least $1,500 per purchase on my stocks. Or if I am not sure in stock or short...
My Stock Picking Strategy
When I describe my stock picking strategy, many people think it's weird. I wrote about my Stock picking strategy before, you can read it here. Here is my updated list: 1. The stock should pay dividends. I added it as a rule. I still...
How Do You Pick Your Stocks?
I made so many mistakes by picking stocks. Through my stock purchase life I used these strategies: - just because I thought it was a good company (I bought BBW in 2008 when every kid thought it was a must to have, still have in my portfolio... ) - listened...
Money and Finance