Money and Finance
Recent Buy
Whenever I make a new purchase for my portfolio I feel it's only fair to get a post written giving all of the juicy details. I want to be as transparent as possible with my journey to reach financial independence through dividend growth investing. Being open about the moves I make allows for better discussion with all of you and helps spread ideas around as well as letting me create my own "investing journal" to chronicle why I purchased a company in the first place and that way I can revisit if something changes and make the decision on whether to continue owning the company or not.
Earlier this week I wrote about another rental propportunity that I happened to find. Given the right property in the right location you can generate a lot more cash flow on a monthly basis by investing in real estate. However, my big concern with going that route is being adequately diversified. The approximate $25k that I'd need for the downpayment on that property would only net me on property and require the use of debt or I could continue to build ownership stakes in 5-10 companies. Since I'm still a little undecided on rental properties as an option right now, I still like to invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs). So yesterday I added to one of the best run REITs out there, Realty Income (O).
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Recent Buy
Whenever I make a new purchase for my portfolio I feel it's only fair to get a post written giving all of the juicy details. I want to be as transparent as possible with my journey to reach financial independence through dividend growth investing....
Recent Buy
Whenever I make a new purchase for my portfolio I feel it's only fair to get a post written giving all of the juicy details. I want to be as transparent as possible with my journey to reach financial independence through dividend growth investing....
Recent Buy - Nothing Runs Like A Deere
Whenever I make a new purchase for my portfolio I feel it's only fair to get a post written giving all of the juicy details. I want to be as transparent as possible with my journey to reach financial independence through dividend growth investing....
Recent Buy
Whenever I make a new purchase for my portfolio I feel it's only fair to get a post written giving all of the juicy details. I want to be as transparent as possible with my journey to reach financial independence through dividend growth investing....
Recent Buys
Whenever I make a new purchase for my portfolio I feel it's only fair to get a post written giving all of the juicy details. I want to be as transparent as possible with my journey to reach financial independence through dividend growth investing....
Money and Finance