Money and Finance
Net Worth Update - January 2012
January was a good month with the stock market making a move upwards. I had my second largest monthly net worth gain with a $10,873.17 move upwards. I had a big move from my savings (~$2,600 and debt payment ($2,425). Another $800 came from my ESPP purchase since I get a 15% discount on the shares and another $1,128 was from my 401k contributions and match. So in total from my own doing I was able to increase my net worth by approximately $7,200 and the balance of the increase was from stock market moves. I’m looking forward to the time when I can have dividends and stock moves making the bulk of my net worth change with my savings just being icing on the cake.
Current Assets: $117,580.54
Current Liquid Assets: $103,010.14
Current Debts: -$37,943.42
My savings rate from my take home pay for January was 74.51%, including the extra debt payment that I made. This was a great start to the new year and is past my 70% savings rate target for the year. If work stays really busy again this year I might crush my savings goal. It's exciting to see the debt go down and assets move up.
Net Worth Update - September 2013
While cash flow is more important when it comes to financial independence, it's still good to look at the balance sheet too, which is why I provide these net worth updates. The S&P 500 was down a little over 4% for the month of August which...
Net Worth Update - September 2012
September was an awesome month with a $10+k positive move in my net worth. That was my 3rd highest monthly increase since I've kept track and my 2nd highest for 2012. Over half of that was from my after-tax savings and the rest came from my 401k...
Net Worth Update - February 2012
February was another great month for my net worth. I had my third $10k+ positive move. Almost half of that was due to my employer's profit sharing hitting my 401k account. Another big chunk was from debt payment. It's good to see that number going...
Net Worth Update - December 2011
December wasn’t a great month, but that was mainly due to the fact that I finally got a chance to be a home and recalculate my debt that I owe. This change should’ve been reflected back in October but I’ve been working a whole lot and haven’t...
Net Worth Update For November 2011
November was a good month and saw my assets creep up over $100k. Unfortunuately I still have quite a bit of debt that I'm paying off that I will hopefully be done with late 2012 or early 2013, depends on how much I work since I get paid by the day....
Money and Finance