High Yield Reads - 7/13/14
Money and Finance

High Yield Reads - 7/13/14

Summary of recents posts and pieces of interest, sometimes enduring, to investors:

- Cloning Woodford
Cloning is a great American tradition. Specifically, there's a long history of Americans successfully cloning British ideas, think about "The Office." Who was better David Brent or Michael Scott? Who cares, they were both great. In that spirit let's...

- High Yield Reads - 5/17/14
Summary of recents posts and pieces of interest, sometimes enduring, to investors: Consuelo Mack interviews Chuck Akre on the importance of compounding. He uses Markel as a case study. More compounding machines: Base Hit Investor mines the intersection...

- High Yield Reads - 5/10/14
Summary of recents posts and pieces of interest, sometimes enduring, to investors: Bill Mann of Motley Fool Funds - Wandering Fools: Arabian Gulf - on UAE, Dubai, Oman and more. "The United Arab Emirates and Qatar rank just below Japan and above South...

- High Yield Reads - 4/5/14
Summary of recents posts and pieces of interest, sometimes enduring, to dividend investors: Base Hit Investor on Markel - as you might guess from the title, I am main interested in dividend stocks, but there are one or two exceptions, Berkshire comes...

- High Yield Reads - 3/15/14
Summary of recents posts and pieces of interest, sometimes enduring, to dividend investors: "The Most Important Metric for Dividend Investors" by Todd Wenning. Put this one in the enduring interest category. Investors of all stripes need to know which...

Money and Finance
