Expiration Friday
Money and Finance

Expiration Friday

The third weekend of each month brings about expiration Friday for anyone that uses options as part of their investment strategy.  Some people like to use covered calls to generate extra income, but I'm not a fan unless I'm trying to exit the position.  I just don't want to lose my dividend income and solid entry price for a bit of extra income.  I prefer to sell puts since it's either setting a limit order for a company I want to own at a price I'd be purchasing or I get to collect some extra premium if it expires.

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- Lots Of Options
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- Recent Option Transactions
Last Friday was the third Friday of the month and that means option expiration for those that use them.  I like when expiration Friday rolls around because it means I'm getting to purchase shares in quality companies or getting to turn a nice profit...

- Recent Transaction
This morning I sold another put option, this time on Coca-Cola (KO).  With the bargains being harder to find I've been looking more towards selling puts to add to my passive income either through option premium or by purchasing shares in companies...

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- Selling Covered Calls To Add Income
I've been searching through the plan documents but haven't been able to find whether or not I can do this with my ESPP through my employer. I'll know for sure come around the middle of January. If I can sell covered calls then it will be a...

Money and Finance
