Money and Finance
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Some of the Things That Molecules Do (Episode 2)
If you missed Episode 1, it is available HERE.
Link to video:
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey: Some of the Things That Molecules Do...................
The episode above was largely about evolution. If you're new to the subject and want to learn more, here are some good places to start:
The Origin Of Species
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
Why Evolution Is True
The Selfish Gene (a Charlie Munger recommendation)
The Extended Phenotype
The Blind Watchmaker
Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It MattersAnd though a bit older and technologically dated from 1991, Richard Dawkins' 1991 Christmas Lectures are also excellent, and they are available
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey: The Electric Boy (episode 10)
Link to: Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey: The Electric Boy …………… It seems like a good companion to this episode might be the book Charlie Munger recently thought was brilliant: Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field (or in Kindle format)...
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey: When Knowledge Conquered Fear (episode 3)
Link to video: Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey: When Knowledge Conquered Fear …………… Isaac Newton was prominently featured in this episode. The only book I’ve read on Newton is Isaac Newton by James Gleick. There is a much longer biography on him...
Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey
This is the first episode, which started Sunday and is airing on Fox and the National Geographic Channel. Link to video: Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey - Standing Up in the Milky Way
Why We Don’t Believe In Science – By Jonah Lehrer
I knew the numbers were high, but if the 46% number is an accurate reflection, that is pretty remarkable. 10,000 years? Really? Last week, Gallup announced the results of their latest survey on Americans and evolution. The numbers were a stark blow to...
Fivebooks Interview: Jerry Coyne On Evolution
The evolutionary biologist tells us why Darwin is still essential reading and sifts the vast amount of more recent writing on evolution for books that are both inspiring to scientists and accessible to general readers I know you had a hard time narrowing...
Money and Finance