Charlie Munger and learning
Money and Finance

Charlie Munger and learning

From Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor:
It is clear that Munger loves to learn. He actually has fun when he is learning, and that makes the worldly wisdom investing process enjoyable for him. This is important because many people do not find investing enjoyable, especially when compared to gambling, which science has shown can generate pleasure via chemicals (e.g., dopamine) even though it is an activity with a negative net present value. What Munger has done is created a system—worldly wisdom—that allows him to generate the same chemical rewards in an activity that has a positive net present value. When you learn something new, your brain gives itself a chemical reward, which motivates you to do the work necessary to be a successful investor. If you do this work and adopt a worldly wisdom mindset, Munger believes you will create an investing edge over other investors.

- The Question Warren Buffett Used To Ask Every Ceo...
From Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor: Munger is a believer in the investment approaches and ideas of Philip Fisher. Fisher was a successful investor based in California who wrote an influential book entitled Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits,...

- Finding The Balance Between Curiosity And Focus...
From Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor: "Curiosity can provide both fun and wisdom, and occasionally trouble." —CHARLIE MUNGER, POOR CHARLIE’S ALMANACK, 2005 Curiosity about life and restraint about difficult decisions are part of Munger’s...

- Tren Griffin On Mental Models And Investing...
From Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor (which according to Amazon, is now being shipped for end-of-week deliveries): No one can know everything, but you can work to understand the big important models in each discipline at a basic level so they...

- Buffett's Best Man
IN CONTRAST TO THE showman-like Buffett, Munger shuns the spotlight. But he draws a smaller, more fanatical cult that seeks inspiration from his intellectual omnivorousness. "There are few people who consider acquiring knowledge their life's study...

- Charlie And Checklists
"Checklist routines avoid a lot of errors. You should have all this elementary [worldly] wisdom and then you should go through a mental checklist in order to use it. There is no other procedure in the world that will work as well." -- Charlie Munger -...

Money and Finance
